2021 ECR Equipment Forklift and Tractor Competitions

2021 ECR Equipment Forklift and Tractor Competitions Our annual ECR Equipment Forklift and Tractor Competitions are back for 2021!! These will be held at The National Horticultural Field Days on 2nd and 3rd June. Have you got what it takes to win! Show off your skill and understanding of using a forklift or tractor and…


2020 Western Rangers Junior Sponsor

Western Rangers Junior Sponsor 2020 And that’s a wrap, what an interesting season that was. After a delayed start due to lockdown and few rainy days, there was still plenty of time to get in some great games of footy. It was wonderful to see so many kids out on the field every Saturday enjoying…


ECR Masters Soccer Team

  Where it all began… Our relationship with Western Rangers started a couple of years back with their Masters team now known as the ECR Masters. They have had some outstanding seasons, including last year winning the Hawkes Bay Masters League for 2018 – very proud sponsors Check out this recent picture of the team…


National Horticulture Field Days 2019

  2019 BNZ National Horticulture Field Days are done and dusted for another year. Thank you to everyone who came and visited our site, it was great to catch up with so many of our valued clients. We would also like to thank Di Roadley and Mel Blackmore from Hawkes Bay A&P for putting together…
